Munoz & Co. Ltd. Closes $7.757 Million in Mortgage Loans During August at a Blended Interest Rate of 7.125%

Munoz & Co. Ltd. Closes $7.75 Million in August with a Blended Interest Rate of 7.125%

August was a milestone month for Munoz & Co. Ltd. as we successfully closed $7,747,646 in financing, reinforcing our reputation for delivering value-driven results for our clients. Despite a dynamic and competitive market environment, we secured favorable terms for a variety of transactions, achieving a total blended interest rate of 7.125% across all deployed debt.

Strategic Debt Structuring

Our financing strategy in August was designed to meet the specific needs of our clients, balancing competitive rates with flexible structures. The debt we deployed was split between first-lien financing and mezzanine financing, with 84% of the debt positioned in first-lien and 16% in mezzanine financing. This blend allowed us to maximize leverage while managing risk, offering clients the capital they needed for their acquisitions and refinancing needs.

Interest Rate Breakdown

We secured a prime rate as low as 6.125%, offering clients some of the most competitive financing available in the market. On the other end of the spectrum, our highest interest rate was 7.875%, reflecting the necessary adjustments for certain mezzanine financing structures and more complex deals. Despite the range, our total blended interest rate for August was a strong 7.125%, balancing affordability with flexibility.

Delivering Value Across Transactions

The financing we closed in August spanned a wide range of real estate transactions, from acquisitions to refinances. Our ability to navigate the complexities of different deal structures allowed us to deploy capital effectively, with both first-lien and mezzanine financing playing pivotal roles.

  • 1st Lien Financing (84%): Representing the bulk of the deployed debt, our first-lien financing allowed clients to secure substantial leverage with competitive rates. This was critical for those looking to make acquisitions while maintaining a strong equity position.

  • Mezzanine Financing (16%): For clients needing additional leverage or more flexible capital structures, our mezzanine financing offerings provided the necessary support to close their deals. While these deals carried slightly higher interest rates, they provided the flexibility and speed many of our clients required to capitalize on opportunities.

Positioned for Future Success

At Munoz & Co. Ltd., we’re proud of the results we delivered in August, but we’re even more excited about what’s ahead. Our ability to close $7.75 million in financing, while maintaining a competitive blended interest rate, speaks to our commitment to helping clients achieve their goals in any market condition.

Whether you’re seeking first-lien financing, mezzanine financing, or a combination of both, our team is ready to work with you to structure the best possible deal. We understand that every transaction is unique, and our expertise allows us to tailor solutions that meet the specific needs of each client.

Let’s Talk

If you're ready to explore financing options that offer both value and flexibility, reach out to us. At Munoz & Co. Ltd., we're here to help you navigate the complexities of real estate financing with confidence and precision.


Case Study: Successful $2.7 Million Financing for a 34-Unit Property in 45 Days